Whelen Mass Notification
What is the quickest, most effective way for warning the public of man-made or natural events such as tornado, flash flood, severe weather, campus safety issue or chemical release? The most effective way for warning the public is to issue a tone and follow it with clear, intelligible voice instructions. Whelen’s three step approach, A.I.D.™ …ALERT, INFORM & DIRECT will eliminate confusion, restore order and, most importantly, save lives.

WPS-2900 Series
The WPS2900 Series omni-directional voice product delivers clear, powerful voice communication.
VORTEX™ Series
The VORTEX™ provides an economical alternative for powerful tone communication without compromising quality.
The Battery Operated OMNI-ALERT™ Series siren system consists of a speaker assembly and electronics cabinet.
IPS Series – All Hazard In-Plant Personnel Warning System
Whelen's IPS Series products deliver clear, powerful voice and tone warnings, eliminating confusion at the onset of an emergency.
The HORNET™ Series provides an economical alternative for replacing outdated electro-mechanical sirens.
Firehouse Series
The FIREHOUSE Series provides an economical alternative for powerful omni-directional tone warning without compromising quality.